Diabetes is a Lifestyle disorder due to which the body does not produce or use insulin effectively. It is not curable no matter if you are taking Anti-Diabetic medicines but is reversible and even avoidable in pre-diabetics. The treatment includes exercise diet regulation, other Lifestyle modification along with the medications. The main aim of diabetes treatment through ‘medication and medication alone’ in the super fast and growing world is to return blood sugar level to a self threshold and help a person with diabetes to resume daily functions.
Dependent on Pills or medicines?
Weight loss, workouts, diet regulation, stress management are all at stake and the main focus now has remained on eating pills and checking blood glucose levels before and after eating food thrice a day!. Do you feel this alone should be the approach to deal with such a chronic disease which comes along with the plethora of diseases including increased Blood Pressure, obesity, heart disease and diabetes related complications? Medications are important. Yes! No doubt in this context but, are Medicines the ultimate solution to control or reverse diabetes? How long and without any complication do you think you should survive while depending only on the medicines?
Are Medicines is a Cure or Just a Life Support?
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