Don't consume these 5 fruits if you are Diabetic! Diabetes is a long-term illness that affects how the body converts food into energy. The majority of our food is broken down into sugar, also known as glucose, and released into our bloodstream. When your blood sugar levels rise, your pancreas is signalled to release insulin. Diabetics need to keep their carbohydrate intake under control. Do you know of any, worst fruits for diabetics? Here is a list of harmful fruits that can worsen things if you don't watch your intake. Don't consume these 5 fruits if you are Diabetic! 1. PINEAPPLE:
Pineapple has a high sugar and carbohydrate content, which can cause blood sugar levels to rise if not eaten properly. The carbohydrate content of a cup of raw pineapple is 22 grams. Up to 51g of carbohydrate can be found in canned pineapples dipped in heavy syrup. Pineapple is one of the worst fruits for diabetics because the added sugar and carbohydrates can cause dangerously high blood sugar levels. Other low-sugar fruits with high water and mineral content may be substituted instead. 2. MANGOES:
Eating more than a slice or two every two days poses the risk of developing diabetic complications, which is why mango earns the reputation as the worst fruit for diabetics.Choose tangy varieties such as Badami or Karnataka Alphonso, which have a low GI index.
Since oranges are tangy, they have a low GI index. The higher the calorie content of an orange, the worse it is for diabetics' blood sugar levels. The higher the fruit's GI index, the more it falls into the category of the worst fruit for diabetics. Avoid foods like orange marmalade because they require a significant amount of sugar to make. There are “low-sugar” and “sugar-free” marmalade varieties, but if you have diabetes, you should read the labels carefully before trying any of them.
Don't consume these 5 fruits if you are Diabetic! Diabetes is a long-term illness that affects how the body converts food into energy. The majority of our food is broken down into sugar, also known as glucose, and released into our bloodstream. When your blood sugar levels rise, your pancreas is signalled to release insulin. Diabetics need to keep their carbohydrate intake under control. Do you know of any, worst fruits for diabetics? Here is a list of harmful fruits that can worsen things if you don't watch your intake. Don't consume these 5 fruits if you are Diabetic! 1. PINEAPPLE:
Pineapple has a high sugar and carbohydrate content, which can cause blood sugar levels to rise if not eaten properly. The carbohydrate content of a cup of raw pineapple is 22 grams. Up to 51g of carbohydrate can be found in canned pineapples dipped in heavy syrup. Pineapple is one of the worst fruits for diabetics because the added sugar and carbohydrates can cause dangerously high blood sugar levels. Other low-sugar fruits with high water and mineral content may be substituted instead. 2. MANGOES:
Eating more than a slice or two every two days poses the risk of developing diabetic complications, which is why mango earns the reputation as the worst fruit for diabetics.Choose tangy varieties such as Badami or Karnataka Alphonso, which have a low GI index.
Since oranges are tangy, they have a low GI index. The higher the calorie content of an orange, the worse it is for diabetics' blood sugar levels. The higher the fruit's GI index, the more it falls into the category of the worst fruit for diabetics. Avoid foods like orange marmalade because they require a significant amount of sugar to make. There are “low-sugar” and “sugar-free” marmalade varieties, but if you have diabetes, you should read the labels carefully before trying any of them.