Honey on its own has plenty of benefits, and when combined with the goodness of Jamun, it becomes exceptional. The Smartveda Jamun honey is procured from certified beekeepers, in the Jamun orchards of Uttarakhand. We have streamlined our operating procedures to ensure that our honey is 100% pure, raw, and unprocessed. Packed with vitamins, minerals, iron, calcium, and iodine, it is an excellent source of phytochemicals and flavonoids.
Jamun in Honey?
Honey starts its journey from the nectar of flowers, broken into simple sugar by bees, and stored in the honeycomb. Now take these bees into Jamun orchards, and they start using its fragrant flowers. The flowers are in clusters, full of nectar and pollen, a treat for bees. Large containers with honeycomb slides are kept in the same field, and bees are left to produce the honey. This honey is collected from farms with only a single type of flower as the source.
Benefits of Jamun Honey
- Anti-diabetic - Jamun is an essential ingredient when it comes to anti-diabetic products. Diabetic patients can consume jamun honey as it contains natural sugar. So we combined them from the starting process. Thus it became a medicine as well as a sweetener at the same time. Exhibit marvellous results not just for diabetes but for the entire body.
- Improves libido - Jamun, and honey are potent aphrodisiacs, transferring this property to Jamun Honey. This honey reduces stress and anxiety that enhances fertility. It can also help in the correction of sexual disorders in men.
- Promotes heart health and purifies blood - Honey has a chemical composition close to human blood. It brings balance to our circulatory system and helps nourish the arteries in the heart. It automatically improves circulation and blood purification. Limiting the shrinkage of arteries, decreases the chances of cardiac arrest, slow memory, and headaches.
- Helps manage weight and cholesterol - The natural sugar in honey has a different composition than other sugar substitutes. It boosts our metabolism and aids in our weight loss goals. Honey with warm water is a staple for ones on their weight loss journey. When taken on an empty stomach, it detoxifies and energizes our internal system. It's also rich in antioxidants, assisting in cholesterol control.
- Improves digestion - It has anti-septic properties that control indigestion and neutralizes gas problems. Holding extremely potent prebiotic and antacid properties, it limits the formation of acids. Hence, it effectively helps to handle indigestion, ulcers, and gastritis. Additionally, it is a medicine for a sore throat and nourishes the respiratory system.
- Helps in Anemia - Jamun is rich in Vitamin C and iron, whereas honey is good for blood circulation. It makes this honey the perfect counter to anaemia. Regular intake of Jamun honey improves hemoglobin levels and combats iron deficiency.
Honey is among the best substitute for refined sugar. Jamun honey adds to the benefits of regular honey, increasing them exponentially. One should avoid cooking honey, as it becomes toxic when cooked on high heat. The Smartveda Jamun Honey is super tasty, low in calories, and has a lower glycemic index. The dark amber colour ensures earthiness and its superior quality. It has potent diuretic effects that detoxify our kidneys, boost immunity, and are phenomenal for diabetes. Ayurveda embraces the medicinal quality of Jamun and honey that inspire us to make this valuable product. It gives a natural glow to the skin and treats many skin problems.